Aerial Spraying for Tent Caterpillars

Tent caterpillars are those annoying things that strip deciduous trees of their leaves, crawl on every available surface, spin cocoons everywhere, and generally make life miserable.  They began encroaching on Marean Lake from the south last summer and will be approaching their peak this year.  In order to make the lake liveable this summer, the Marean Lake Advisory Committee is partnering with the other developments at the lake to undertake an aerial spraying program.

Depending on weather conditions, it is expected the Marean and Greenwater area will be sprayed midweek following the May long weekend (May 19-21).  Spraying will occur in the very early morning hours when winds are the calmest.

Click here to read the notice about the spraying program.  Go to our Documents page if you would like to review the spray blocks being covered and various technical documents related to the product being used.