Special Walleye Regulation

The fire ban implemented by the RM of Bjorkdale on May 12th has now been lifted. Normal activities can be resumed.
A copy of the Fire Restriction Bylaw providing authority to the RM for fire bans can be downloaded at this link. All residents should take note of the restrictions on fireworks and the potential fines that can be levied in the event of contravention of the bylaw.
The RM of Bjorkdale No.426 and The Marean Lake Advisory Committee are accepting applications for: MAINTENANCE AT MAREAN LAKE
The successful contractor would be required to mow grass, maintain beaches & fish cleaning areas, perform general maintenance, along with various other responsibilities during the summer season. May 1 to September 15, 2023
Application forms with further information can be obtained at the RM Office or downloaded at this link.
Please submit your application to the municipal office marked:
“Marean Lake Resort Maintenance”
Before 12:00pm (noon), Tuesday, April 11, 2023
For further information, please contact the RM office at:
RM of Bjorkdale
Box 60, Bjorkdale, SK, S0E 0E0
Or phone: 306-886-2470
Or email: rm426office@sasktel.net
Each year an election is held to fill one or more positions on the Marean Lake Advisory Committee (MLAC). Due to the amalgamation of the sub-divisions (announced by the RM of Bjorkdale in January of this year) the Committee is being expanded by 2 members for a total of 5. Details of the election have been emailed to everyone on the MLAC mailing list (if you are subscribed and have not received this information please check your spam folder).
As indicated in this letter, the Rural Municipality of Bjorkdale along with the Marean Lake Advisory Committee (MLAC) are excited to announce the amalgamation of all the subdivisions at Marean Lake. This means many changes are coming for MLAC, and all cabin-owners in any of the resort areas at Marean Lake are invited to sign up with their email address so we can communicate directly. Please click this SUBSCRIBE link to sign up and provide us with your information.
Since 2021 SaskEnergy has been working on a proposal for providing natural gas services to our community at Marean Lake, this has now been expanded to also potentially include resorts at Barrier Lake. Initial interest in this proposal has been strong enough for SaskEnergy to complete the development of their service plan and they are now at the stage of needing firm commitments in order to proceed.
Click here to download the detailed SaskEnergy documents.
If you are interested in pursuing this proposal it is important for you to sign up before February 28, 2023 by submitting the Customer Confirmation Form included in the linked SaskEnergy document. Insufficient response could cause the initiative to be scrapped. Conversely, as discussed on page 1 in the document, full utilization of line capacity may prohibit your ability (or the ability of a future owner of your property) to request this service in the future.
Submit your form now, SaskEnergy will invoice you for the initial payment sometime after Feb 28th with the balance due when construction is complete in 2024.
Your best window of opportunity to ensure the availability of natural gas to your property is now!
With the busy holiday season arriving lots of fun and family time will be occurring at the lake, but sometimes accidents happen and health issues arise.
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs): are available at 2 locations and are free for your use if an emergency arises. The one normally located at the beach store has been relocated for the winter inside the new maintenance building near the store (contact any MLAC member for access, their coordinates are at this link). The second one, normally in the Marean Lake Valley Resort Clubhouse, has been relocated for the winter to the home of Derek & Lana Woulfe (101 Lakeshore Drive).
First Responders: A number of people have volunteered to make their names available as first responders at Marean Lake, a current list of contacts can be downloaded at this link (and on our Documents page).
We recommend keeping a copy of this document on your phone and printing a copy for your cabin. Please keep in mind that most of these people are not full-time residents at the lake so you may need to make a few calls to find someone if/when you need them.
If you would like to add your name to the list please email us with your contact info.
A huge THANK YOU to these people for helping to make our lake community safer!
Effective July 1, 2022
Saskatchewan’s Building Code Regulations require every building with a residential occupancy (e.g. sleeping quarters) to have carbon monoxide (CO) and smoke alarms installed by January 1, 2022, regardless of when the building was initially constructed or last renovated. Any building in which people sleep in, even on a part-time or seasonal basis, must be equipped with smoke alarms; buildings must also have CO alarms if there is a fuel burning appliance.
Building owners are responsible for installing alarms in their buildings. Alarms with a 10 year tamper resistant battery are permitted to meet this requirement provided the building is not already required by the National Building Code or a municipal bylaw to have a hardwired CO and smoke alarms.
Local authorities are responsible for enforcing this requirement. However, local authorities and their building officials are encouraged to take a passive approach to enforcement. If building officials are present for another reason (e.g. permit inspection) and notice the building is not in compliance with the new requirements, they could write an order to have the owner install the missing alarms.
For more information:
Visit Saskatchewan’s Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Smoke Alarm Standards:
Download and read building advisories to learn where CO and smoke alarms should be installed in residential buildings:
If you have any questions about the new CO and smoke alarm requirements, please contact the Saskatchewan Building and Technical Standards branch at 306-787-4113 or btstandards@gov.sk.ca
The RM of Bjorkdale and MLAC would like to welcome Gilbert (Bert) Desrosiers to the committee! Please click here to see the results and declaration by the RM.
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote. This was the largest turnout for any MLAC election, with 160 ballots cast and voters representing 60% of all the cabins in our resort. Well done!
We would also like to thank Bert Desrosiers, Neal Blacklaws and Russ Maddaford, for stepping forward and running for the committee in the election. Our resort community benefits from the active involvement of all of the owners, and needs people to step forward in leadership positions.